Grade Appeals
The purpose of the Grade Appeal Policy is to provide the student with a safeguard against receiving an unfair final grade while respecting the instructor’s academic freedom.
Keene State College recognizes that:
- Every student has a right to receive a grade based on a fair and unprejudiced evaluation using a method that is neither arbitrary nor capricious; and,
- Instructors have the right to assign a grade based on any method that is professionally acceptable, submitted in writing to all students, and applied equally.
If a student believes that they were not graded according to the stated criteria in the syllabus, or if the grades were applied in a prejudicial, arbitrary, or capricious manner, the student can appeal the grade. This policy applies to grades for assignments during the course and end-of-term grades.
- If a student believes that they were not been graded according to criteria contained in the course syllabus, or have been graded unfairly or inaccurately, the student should first consult with the course instructor about the course requirements and grading procedures. The student must contact the faculty member via KSC email to request a formal meeting to discuss the grade within five business days of receiving the grade. In cases of appeals of final course grades, the student should contact the instructor via KSC email as soon as possible, but NO LATER than four months after the end of the semester or term in question. Students who are completing work from a grade of Incomplete (I) from a previous semester or term must file their grade appeal no later than four months after the due date of the work for the incomplete. The faculty member will then schedule a meeting with the student within five business days of being contacted by the student. In the meeting, the student will explain their concerns and questions regarding the grade. The faculty member will explain how the assignment was graded and, if mutually agreed upon between the faculty member and student, change the grade.
- If the student still has concerns, they may appeal to the faculty member’s chair in writing within five business days of meeting with the faculty member. The chair will meet with the faculty member and the student. The chair will seek to bring the parties to a mutually agreeable solution, if possible. The chair cannot change the grade or summarily stop the student from further appeal.
- If concerns continue, the student may submit a written appeal to the Dean of Faculty Affairs within five business days of the meeting with the chair. The dean will meet separately with the student, faculty member, and the chair. The dean is only expected to evaluate whether the student was graded in accord with the criteria in the syllabus, inaccurately, or unfairly, not to re-grade the assignment. The dean has the option of removing the grade in question from course grade record without penalty to the student.
- If serious concerns continue, the student or faculty member may appeal in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee. The Provost or their designee may meet with the student, faculty member, and or the dean. The Provost or their designee has the option of removing the grade in question from course grade record without penalty to the student. The decision of the Provost or their designee in regard to the student or faculty appeal is final.
Note that at any point in these procedures, the instructor may choose to change the grade or the student may choose to
withdraw the appeal.