Academic Catalog

Criminal Justice Studies (CJS)

CJS-201  Corrections  (4 Credits)  

An overview of the correctional process with an emphasis on the social, political, and economic influences upon this process. Topics to be examined include: the impact of race, class and gender on the correctional system, the uses and effectiveness of institutional placements, intermediate sanctions and community-based programming.

Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-240  Criminology  (4 Credits)  

An overview of the field of criminology. The areas considered range from the definitions, origins, and extent of crime and law, to casual theories of criminal behavior, to types of crimes and victims. Particularly stressed is an analysis of the relationship between law and society and social structure to crime.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-101 or ISCJS-101, or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-250  Homeland Security  (4 Credits)  

Principles and practices associated with the emerging discipline of homeland security. Policies, directives, national plans, and legislation that shape and define the ongoing evolution of homeland security. Key issues including civil liberties and diversity. Relationship to public safety, private security, and national security.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
CJS-290  Topics in Criminal Justice  (1-4 Credits)  

Selected topics in Criminal Justice Studies. May be repeated as topics change, however only a maximum of 4 credits can be used to satisfy the depth requirements of the CJS minor. See course listings for details.

Prerequisite(s): Vary as topics change  
CJS-310  Perspectives on U S Policing  (4 Credits)  

Introduces students to the evolution and state of police work as practiced in the U.S. It will include an examination and discussion of the role of the police in a changing society; police socialization, behavior and discretion; institutional organization, routine and specialized operations.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240  
Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-320  Case Studies in Violence  (4 Credits)  

This course focuses on the various types of violence in our society including family violence, sexual violence, work place violence, and so called random actor violence. Through readings and discussion, participants will examine the causes, key identifiers, consequences, and costs of violence.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
CJS-330  Criminal Law and Procedure  (4 Credits)  

This course is a study of the fundamentals of criminal law and criminal procedure. The principles that regulate the balance between the power of our government and the rights of individual citizens will be discussed.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240, or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-332  Forensic Anthropology  (4 Credits)  

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the discipline of forensic anthropology. It will cover the basic information and methods necessary to recognize, collect, identify, and process skeletonized human remains. Cross-listed as: ANTH-332.

Prerequisite(s): ISANTH-111 or ISCJS-101 or CJS-101, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
CJS-342  Advanced Criminology  (4 Credits)  

This course examines the intersection of criminological theory, public policies on crime, and political ideology. A number of important crime control policies are analyzed. Students will examine the political philosophy and theoretical ideas which underlie these policies, the research evidence on their effectiveness, and their political implications.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240 or permission of the instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-352  Sociology of Deviance  (4 Credits)  

This course examines the processes involved in labeling behaviors and people as deviant within society. We will explore theories of why individuals engage in deviance as well as those discussing societal reactions to deviance. We will also explore popular forms of deviance in American culture through a theoretical lens. Cross-listed as: SOC-352.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240 or ISSOC-125 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
CJS-365  Juvenile Delinquency  (4 Credits)  

This seminar focuses on the study of cultural influences defining the juvenile justice system. The structure of the juvenile court, choices for intervention, methods for measuring juvenile crime, and comparisons between juvenile and the adult justice systems are discussed.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-240 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
CJS-390  Studies in Criminal Justice  (4 Credits)  

Selected studies in criminal justice. See course listings for details.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-101, ISCJS-101, or SOC-234  
CJS-455  Special Populations and the CJS  (4 Credits)  

This course examines the treatment and needs of special populations within the United States criminal justice system from initial law enforcement contact to reentry back into the community. Special populations covered include individuals with mental health disorders, the elderly, those with infectious diseases, noncitizens, transgender individuals, and pregnant women. Cross-listed as: SOC-455.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or SOC-305, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
CJS-461  White-Collar Crime  (4 Credits)  

This seminar focuses on occupational, corporate, and government crime viewed using a sociological lens. This course will explore the causes, consequences, and criminal justice system response to white-collar crime.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or SOC-305 or permission of instructor  
CJS-465  Terrorism  (4 Credits)  

Offers historical perspectives of the current terrorist threat and challenges with a review of major terrorist groups and their strategies, tactics and targets. Limits on military and civil authority, jurisdictional issues, federal law enforcement and intelligence, anti- and counterterrorist operations and operational techniques, and future trends will be discussed.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or SOC-305 or permission of instructor  
CJS-471  Women and Crime  (4 Credits)  

Specifically concerns women and crime, a subfield within criminology. In addition to evaluating traditionally androcentric approaches to explaining criminality, we will also explore other intersections of women with criminal justice, including women as offenders, victims, and workers in criminal justice fields.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or SOC-305 or permission of instructor  
CJS-473  Race & Crime in the Media  (4 Credits)  

This course examines the relationship between crime, race, and the media, with a focus on media representations of race in the criminal justice system. We will explore current issues, highly publicized cases, and depictions of victims, offenders, and police as they are presented in film, television, news media, and print.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or SOC-305 or permission of instructor  
CJS-478  Order, Chaos, and Violence  (4 Credits)  

This course focuses on the role of violence in terms of the disruption and maintenance of order as socio-cultural adaptive strategies. Various forms of violence in human societies around the world are examined from cross-cultural and multi-ethnic perspectives with an emphasis on differing worldviews and the reasons for violence. This course is cross-listed with ANTH-478.

Prerequisite(s): ISANTH-110, or CJS-101/ISCJS-101 and SOC-301  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
CJS-490  Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice Stud  (4 Credits)  

Advanced studies in criminal justice. See course listings for details.

Prerequisite(s): CJS-342 or permission of instructor  
CJS-494  Cooperative Education  (1-4 Credits)  

Introductory work learning experience related to career interests. Students must apply to the CJS program before placement can occur; see your advisor for details. This experience is supervised, approved and evaluated by full time faculty. Elective CJS credit only (normally 120 hours for 4 credits) to a maximum of 4 credits per degree program. Graded Pass/Fail.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and junoir/senior status  
Offered: All, Every Year  
CJS-498  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Advanced independent study of a criminal justice studies area not normally available in the curriculum. Requires written report. May be repeated to a total of 4 credits.

Prerequisite(s): written permission of the instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
ISCJS-101  Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies  (4 Credits)  

An overview of the criminal justice system as it currently operates in its three major components: police, courts, and corrections. A broad-based interdisciplinary perspective is employed to introduce students to the process of criminal justice in the United States.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISCJS-311  Life After Incarceration  (4 Credits)  

This course delves into the development and administration of community-based corrections and examines the reentry process of those reintegrating back into society from jails and prisons. This course focuses on diverse types of supervision, treatment, control, restoration, and supportive programs for offenders within the community.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL course  
Offered: Spring, Every Year