Academic Catalog

Holocaust & Genocide Studies (HGS)

HGS-261  The United States and Genocide  (4 Credits)  

This course will cover the complex imbrication of United States history with the history of genocide. It will address genocidal practices and institutions in US history (including settler colonialism and slavery), the US role in the Genocide Convention, US foreign policy, and recent genocide prevention efforts, and restitution.

Offered: Spring, Even Years  
HGS-270  Genocide Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of a specific issue or theme applying interdisciplinary methods to readings and analysis related to Genocide Studies. Builds on foundations acquired in IIHGS-155 or IHHGS-252, the two introductory courses. May be repeated once for credit as topics change.

HGS-290  Holocaust Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of a specific issue or theme applying interdisciplinary methods to readings and analysis related to the study of the Holocaust. Builds on foundations acquired in IIHGS-155 or IHHGS-252, the two introductory courses. May be repeated once for credit as topics change.

HGS-313  Philosophy and the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

This course examines ethical, philosophical, and theological issues relating to the experience of the Holocaust and the broader human concerns of evil and suffering. Topics include the uniqueness and universality of the Holocaust as well as questions of justice. Cross-listed as: PHIL-313.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
HGS-340  Film and the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

Examines various filmic approaches taken to represent the attempt to destroy European Jewry in the first half of the twentieth century. Documentary and narrative film are examined, together with the cultures and time periods within which the films were produced. Ethical issues will be considered alongside cultural and formal concerns.

Prerequisite(s): IHHGS-252 or IHHIST-252 or permisssion of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
HGS-353  Nazi Germany and the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

Examines the Nazi rise to power during the Weimar Republic, the consolidation of totalitarian rule, the transformation of racial ideology into policy, Hitlers foreign policy as prelude to war, World War II, and the Holocaust. Cross-listed as: HIST-353.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
HGS-360  Fascism in Spain  (4 Credits)  

This interdisciplinary course draws from Genocide Studies, Gender Studies, Literature, and Film to illuminate the causes and consequences of fascism in Spain. We will discuss: the relationship between fascism, militarism, authoritarianism, and ultranationalism; the differences between fascism in Spain, Italy, and Germany; and fascisms threatening presence today. Cross-listed as: SP-360.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
HGS-370  Genocide Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of a specific issue or theme applying interdisciplinary methods to readings and analysis related to Genocide Studies. Builds on foundations acquired in IIHGS-155 or IHHGS-252, the two introductory courses. May be repeated once for credit as topics change.

HGS-373  Race, Disability, and Eugenics  (4 Credits)  

An examination of the history of the nineteenth and twentieth century eugenics movement in the United States and Europe. Efforts to improve humanity by selectively controlling or eliminating individuals deemed socially undesirable because of race or disability will be investigated by exploring science, legislation, and popular culture. Cross-listed as: HIST-373.

Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
HGS-374  Comparative Genocide  (4 Credits)  

An analysis of comparative genocide studies, with a particular focus on placing genocide within the broader category of mass atrocity crimes. Students critically analyze contested cases of genocide in the twentieth-century. Course is structured around the responsibilities to prevent, react to, and rebuild after genocide and mass atrocity.

Prerequisite(s): IIHGS-155 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
HGS-382  Transitional Justice  (4 Credits)  

Investigates the possibilities and limitations of justice and reconciliation in societies emerging from a recent history of genocide, mass violence, and political repression. Explores the uses of truth commissions and trials in transitional societies, as well as the roles of civil society, political elites, and international actors.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
HGS-390  Holocaust Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of a specific issue or theme applying interdisciplinary methods to readings and analysis related to the study of the Holocaust. Builds on foundations acquired in IIHGS-155 or IHHGS-252, the two introductory courses. May be repeated once for credit as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): IIHGS-155 or permission of instructor  
HGS-402  Education in Emergencies  (4 Credits)  

This course examines education in crisis situations, including early childhood development, primary, secondary, non-formal, and technical/vocational. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the course explores the destabilizing contexts in which education in emergencies is essential, including conflicts, cases of violence, forced displacement, disasters, and public health emergencies. Cross-listed as: EDUC-402.

Prerequisite(s): Junior status or higher, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
HGS-470  Genocide Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of a specific issue or theme applying interdisciplinary methods to readings and analysis related to Genocide Studies. Builds on foundations acquired in IIHGS-155 or IHHGS-252, the two introductory courses. May be repeated once for credit as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): IIHGS-155, or permission of instructor  
HGS-490  Holocaust Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Advanced interdisciplinary exploration of a specific issue or theme not covered in depth by the regular curriculum. Content will vary, but builds on foundations acquired in prior study.

Prerequisite(s): IIHGS-155  
HGS-495  Seminar  (4 Credits)  

Students will investigate both secondary and primary source material to provide an indepth analysis of one or more key issues related either to the Holocaust or to select cases of genocide. They will demonstrate the ability to think critically, and write and speak effectively. May be repeated for credit as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior status as HGS major or minor, 12 or more credits in HGS, IHHGS, or IIHGS that must include IHHGS-252 and IIHGS-255, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
HGS-497  Internship  (1-8 Credits)  

Focus is on a student researching, organizing, and writing about a Holocaust or genocide based topic in cooperation with the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies or some other society, resource center, museum, or foundation dedicated to Holocaust and/or Genocide studies. May be repeated to a total of 8 credits.

Prerequisite(s): IHHGS-252 or IHHIST-252 or IIHGS-255, and permission of instructor  
HGS-498  Independent Study  (1-8 Credits)  

Indepth study of a topic or problem selected and pursued in consultation with faculty member. Design will be at faculty members discretion. May be repeated to a total of eight credits.

Prerequisite(s): IHHGS-252 or IHHIST-252 or IIHGS-255, and one 300 level or higher HGS course, and permission of instructor  
IHHGS-233  A History of the Jews  (4 Credits)  

Survey of the social, political and cultural experience of the Jewish people throughout the world, beginning with the Roman expulsion from their homeland in 70CE and working forward to the events that led to the Holocaust and the formation of the State of Israel in the 20th century.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
IHHGS-251  Literature of the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

Examines the culture of European Jews before the Holocaust and literature that reflects the destruction of that culture in World War II. Includes texts by such authors as Ida Fink, Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, Nelly Sachs, Imre Kertesz, and Jurek Becker. Cross-listed as: IHENG-251.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
IHHGS-252  The Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

Examines the genocide and mass murder committed by the Nazi regime during 1939-1945. Also surveys long and short term factors, including World War I and Germanys failed post-war democratic experiment, which help explain the consolidation of a racially based totalitarian regime. Cross-listed as: IHHIST-252.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
IHHGS-305  History of Jewish Music  (4 Credits)  

Jewish Music from biblical times to the present. Includes liturgical, cantorial, holiday, folk, and concert music; Israeli, Yiddish, Klemer, and contemporary synagogue music; choral tradition and music of the Holocaust. Cross-listed as: IHMU-305.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP including ITW-101 and QL  
IHHGS-381  Human Trafficking Across the Globe  (4 Credits)  

An investigation into the global problem of human trafficking, beginning with ancient societies and ending with contemporary forms of trafficking and slavery. Explores the roles of war, genocide, colonialism, and globalization in allowing human trafficking to flourish and analyzes why and how it persists today.

Prerequisite(s): Take 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
IIHGS-155  Intro Holoc & Genocide Studies  (4 Credits)  

An interdisciplinary introduction to Holocaust and genocide studies. Students analyze roles of resisters, rescuers, bystanders, victims, survivors, perpetrators, and collaborators. Students are challenged to find ways to exert their leverage and responsibility in preventing genocide.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IIHGS-181  Crisis and Conflict in Africa  (4 Credits)  

Explores issues related to war, genocide, and human rights in Africa. Examines colonial histories, regional geopolitics, and African dictators that have contributed to the continents turbulence, as well as African strategies for peace. Case studies may include the Herero Genocide, the Belgium Congo, Rwanda, and Apartheid South Africa.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
IIHGS-254  Women in the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

How did womens Holocaust experiences differ from those of men? An interdisciplinary exploration of gender in Central European families, ghettos, camps, and resistance, this course examines connections between the Holocaust and present day manifestations of anti-Semitism, sexism, homophobia, and nationalism. Readings are drawn from history, womens studies, and Holocaust memoirs. Cross-listed as: IIWGS-254.

IIHGS-256  Memory & Militarism Lat. Amer  (4 Credits)  

This interdisciplinary course draws from Genocide Studies, History, Gender Studies, Literature and Film to understand the foundations of Latin American military regimes in the 20th century. Students will learn how to use key concepts like intersectionality to better analyze histories of violence, militarism, war, and genocide. Cross-listed as: IISP-256.

Offered: Fall, Even Years  
IIHGS-281  Peace Studies  (4 Credits)  

Interdisciplinary introduction to a growing field that examines competing explanations for why violence, terrorism, war, and genocide occur. Explores the methods and frameworks that scholars, policy makers, peace activists, and practitioners employ in dealing with physical and structural violence. Topics may include non-violent resistance, inner-city violence, conflict transformation, and mediation.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
IIHGS-302  Education in Divided Societies  (4 Credits)  

This interdisciplinary course explores education in divided societies and integrates perspectives from education, history, political science, sociology, and economics. Students will explore the role education systems can play in promoting social cohesion or perpetuating social division. Students will pay particular attention to selected case studies from divided societies.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Fall, Every Year