Academic Catalog

Economics (ECON)

ECON-103  Introduction to Microeconomics  (4 Credits)  

An introductory course on how individual consumers and firms make decisions in line with their economic objectives. We analyze the workings of supply and demand in the determination of price, resource allocation, income distribution and economic efficiency.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ECON-204  Intermediate Macroeconomics  (4 Credits)  

Examines macroeconomic concepts and theories using historical context, quantitative tools, graphical analysis, and macroeconomic models. Critically explores competing schools of macroeconomic thought and their relative effectiveness at explaining macroeconomic phenomena. Culminates in construction and manipulation of the Mundell - Fleming open economy model.

Prerequisite(s): ISECON-104  
Offered: All, Every Year  
ECON-290  Special Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Economics survey course for non-majors. Includes topics not covered in other listed courses including, current and historical economic issues. This course may not be used to satisfy requirements for the minor in Economics. May be repeated as topics change.

ECON-298  Independent Study  (1-8 Credits)  

An opportunity for a qualified student to explore work in an area of individual interest, selected and pursued in consultation with a faculty member. Consent is required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.

ECON-330  Personal Financial Planning  (4 Credits)  

Students will examine the core concepts of financial planning with applications to professional financial advising, and their own lives. Technical skills related to areas such as debt management, insurance, investments, income taxation, and retirement planning will be explored.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ECON-370  Financial Economics  (4 Credits)  

This course focuses on investment analysis and asset pricing, with the aim of conveying the practical applications of investment theory. Topics covered include: present value analysis and discounting, diversification, tradeoff between risk and return, efficiency market hypothesis, pricing of stocks and bonds, capital asset pricing model and arbitrage theory.

Prerequisite(s): ECON-103, MATH-141, or permission of instructor  
ECON-397  Economics Internship  (4 Credits)  

A supervised experience offering the opportunity to apply economic theory and quantitative methods in an on-the-job setting. May be repeated up to 8 credits; a maximum of 4 credits may be used towards required ECON major electives. Graded pass/fail.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Even Years  
ECON-420  Econometrics  (4 Credits)  

The theory of economic model building, both determinate and stochastic, together with the essential analytical methods. Where possible, these models are used to analyze current real world economic conditions.

Prerequisite(s): ECON-203 or ECON-204, and one from MATH-175, MGT-140, MATH-141, PSYC-251  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
ECON-470  International Trade and Finance  (4 Credits)  

Applies advanced economic theory to global trade and finance through theories of comparative advantage, balance of payments accounts, fixed and flexible exchange rates, and currency crises.

Prerequisite(s): ECON-203 or ECON-204  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
ECON-490  Advanced Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Topics not covered in other listed courses; for example, current and historical economic issues, student group research projects, student and faculty initiated topics.

Prerequisite(s): ECON-103, ISECON-104 and either ECON-203 or ECON-204  
ECON-498  Independent Study  (1-8 Credits)  

Individual research on selected topics in economics under direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.

Prerequisite(s): ECON-103, ISECON-104 and either ECON-203 or ECON-204, and permission of instructor  
IIECON-310  Game Theory  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to game theory and strategic interactions with cases drawn from economics, business, politics, sociology, psychology, international studies and sports. Topics include prisoners dilemma, Nash Equilibrium, backward induction, signaling, mixed strategies, cooperative and non-cooperative games, bargaining conventions, the tragedy of commons, evolutionary game theory and behavioral critiques of rationality.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
ISECON-104  Introduction to Macroeconomics  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to macroeconomics terminology, concepts and theories using historical context, quantitative tools, graphical analysis, and macroeconomic models. Course concepts examined in a social and/or political context as appropriate.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISECON-320  Money & Banking  (4 Credits)  

The course integrates economic theory and economic history into an exploration of the economics of money and banking. Topics include the contested origins of money, the historical evolution of financial systems, contemporary monetary policy, and theories of recurrent financial crises.

Prerequisite(s): ISECON-104  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISECON-342  Sports Economics  (4 Credits)  

This course applies quantitative tools of analysis and appropriate economic theory to organized sports and recreation. Topics include: modeling markets, competitive balance, public goods, market power, discrimination, collective bargaining, the economics of collegiate sports, financing sport / recreation facilities, as well as the role of public policy for these topics.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISECON-360  History Economic of Thought  (4 Credits)  

A survey course examining the social and historical contexts in which competing visions of the organization of economic life emerged. We will explore the evolution of Classical, Neoclassical, Marxist, and Keynesian perspectives through primary source readings, secondary literature, lectures, and in-class discussion.

Prerequisite(s): ISECON-104, 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISECON-372  Ecological Economics  (4 Credits)  

This course introduces and applies concepts and tools from: economics, multiple discipline perspectives, and systems theory for thinking deeply about human impact on our fragile world. The course integrates College-Wide Learning Outcomes (critical thinking, sustainability, and civic engagement) to grapple with complex, interconnected social and ecological twenty-first century problems.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits of ISP, ITW and QL  
Offered: Fall, Even Years