Academic Catalog

Education-Curriculum & Instruction-Grad (EDUCCI)

EDUCCI-620  Specialization I  (3 Credits)  

First of a two-semester sequence focused on a classroom or school-based curriculum leadership project related to a topic of the graduate students choice, under guidance of a faculty mentor. The project will integrate professional literature culminating with a professional presentation of the project.

EDUCCI-625  Technology-Integrated Teaching  (3 Credits)  

This course addresses the use of technology in P-12 classroom in areas of curriculum development, instructional design, and assessment. The students will explore the theoretical and practical issues of educational technology in teaching and learning and will be exposed to the diversity of educational technology through practical use.

EDUCCI-630  Specialization II  (3 Credits)  

Continuation of a classroom or school-based curriculum leadership project related to a topic of the graduate students choice, under guidance of a faculty mentor. The project will integrate professional literature culminating with a professional presentation of the project.

EDUCCI-697  Internship  (3 Credits)  

Supervised practice related to focus of students professional portfolio development.

Prerequisite(s): admission to graduate program and completion of all other Curriculum and Instruction Option course requirements  
EDUCCI-698  Independent Study  (1-3 Credits)  

Intensive study of an educational curriculum topic encountered in a school or community. Topics are usually initiated by the graduate student.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year