Academic Catalog

History-Grad (HIST)

HIST-650  Graduate Topics in History and Archives  (4 Credits)  

Graduate seminar that provides substantial readings in the historiography (literature) of a particular historical field and links that scholarship to archival practices and advanced research. May be repeated as topics vary and counts toward the MA in History and Archives and History Graduate Certificates.

HIST-651  Intro to History and Archive Studies  (4 Credits)  

Introduces graduate students to the interdisciplinary field of History and Archive Studies. Topics include history of modern archives, archival practices and archival theory; the relationship between historians and archivists; the role of archives in shaping historical understanding and in creating social memory; and, the relationship between archives and political culture.

HIST-652  Archival Methods and Administration  (5 Credits)  

This course will explore the principles of archival management, including arrangement, description, preservation, and digitization, and will discuss the role of archives and archivists in the preservation of culture, history, and memory.

HIST-660  Historical Archival Research/Internship  (6 Credits)  

Internships and/or research at archive at archives, allowing graduate students to turn archival theory, methods, and technical skills into practice, providing graduate students with hands-on experience. Graded: Pass/Fail.

HIST-670  Graduate Thesis/Project  (1-8 Credits)  

Students will work closely with History Department faculty to write a graduate thesis. The topic shall be of the students choosing, with guidance by department faculty. Can be repeated once for a total of 8 credits. Graded: Pass/Fail.

HIST-690  Graduate Adv Special Topics in History &  (4 Credits)  

Advanced topics in History and Archives. May be repeated as topics change.

HIST-698  Graduate Independent Study  (1-8 Credits)  

This course examines a selected subject or theme in history at a graduate level. May be repeated as topics vary.