Academic Catalog

Journalism (JRN)

IHJRN-101  Media & Society  (4 Credits)  

This course will examine the ways that the media participates in shaping social reality. Students will analyze and interpret the roles of the media, especially the news media, in a democratic society in regard to a variety of cultural, political and economic problems.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IHJRN-130  Media Writing Fundamentals  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to copy writing for news media, with special emphasis on developing news judgment, writing leads, checking facts, and adapting messages to specific audiences.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IHJRN-155  Multimedia Fundamentals  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to the vocabulary, principles, tools, and techniques of multimedia production for various platforms including web, social media, radio, and broadcast.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IHJRN-240  Social Media Fundamentals  (4 Credits)  

Examines social media technologies related to communication careers. Activities include creating blogs and social media accounts, developing personal brands, content, and strategy for partner organizations. Topics include privacy, usability, and accessibility; legal and ethical guidelines; and social media effects on individuals, culture, and society.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
Offered: Fall, Even Years  
IHJRN-395  Famous Trials  (4 Credits)  

This course examines fair trial/free press conflicts in U.S. courts. The course will address the historical development of fair trial/free press law and precedent-setting cases in the development of such laws. Applicable law and precedent will be used to examine famous, contemporary, highly publicized trials.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits of ISP including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Summer, Every Year  
IIJRN-268  Environmental Issues & Media  (4 Credits)  

Media coverage of environmental issues is analyzed from scientific, economic, political and legal perspectives. For both science and nonscience majors, a clearer understanding of how the media covers the environment and the various institutional interests involved in that coverage results through critical analysis and research projects.

Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-160  Thinking Like a Journalist  (2 Credits)  

This course introduces students to the news recognition, critical thinking, research, story development, and enterprising skills needed to become an effective journalist.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
JRN-230  Multimedia Reporting  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to multimedia reporting techniques and structures, including interviewing, fact checking, and reporting on speeches, public meetings, and events.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-130 and IHJRN-155; Prerequisite or Corequisite: JRN-160  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
JRN-235  Broadcast Journalism  (4 Credits)  

Basic principles of journalism for radio and television news. Introduction to interview techniques, electronic news gathering, researching, writing, producing, and reporting news for radio and television. Lecture, practice, and fieldwork.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-130 & IHJRN-155, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
JRN-280  Media Production  (2 Credits)  

Training in news writing, photojournalism, social media, multimedia and visual design and layout with the Equinox, the Kronicle, or WKNH Radio. May be repeated for credit.

Offered: All, Every Year  
JRN-281  Television Production  (2 Credits)  

Training in television production including KSC-TV newscast. Theory and practice for television studio management, lighting, equipment and techniques. May be repeated for credit.

Offered: All, Every Year  
JRN-283  Sports Broadcast Journalism  (2 Credits)  

Training sports broadcasting including play-by-play and color commentary. Theory and practice of sports broadcasting including work on athletics broadcasts. May be repeated for credit.

Offered: All, Every Year  
JRN-284  Livestream Production  (2 Credits)  

A practicum course in producing livestreams, including studio and remote work. Skills acquired include site surveying, program planning, equipment set up and take down, and live directing of events. Repeatable for up to 12 credits.

Offered: All, Every Year  
JRN-290  Multimedia Topics  (4 Credits)  

Study and practice in multimedia news gathering, reporting, and content creation. Topics include AI assisted reporting; audio/podcasting; broadcast/live streaming; digital photography/imagery; and social media/web-based content creation.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-130 and IHJRN-155  
Offered: Occasionally, Every Year  
JRN-323  Journalism Law & Ethics  (4 Credits)  

Teaching and practice in journalism law and ethics by use of case studies and legal precedents. Students will examine the role of journalism in a democratic society and the laws and ethical considerations that affect this role.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-230  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-335  Television Journalism  (4 Credits)  

An advanced course in television news, public affairs programs, and documentaries. Introduction to public affairs and documentary research, scriptwriting, and production. News for closed circuit television at Keene State College. Lecture, practice, and field work.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-235  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-340  Social Media Analytics  (4 Credits)  

Explores best practices in social media analytics. Analyzes audience engagement with content to refine content and engagement strategies. Discusses legal and ethical implications of leveraging social media data. Topics include KPIs, native analytics, network analysis, data-informed action, algorithms, semantic analysis, influencers, and evaluation of social media strategy.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-240  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
JRN-345  Radio Journalism  (4 Credits)  

An advanced course in radio news, with special attention to story structure, public affairs programs, and documentaries. Introduction to public affairs and documentary research, script writing and production. Productions for WKNH, lecture, practice and field work.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-235 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-355  Multimedia Journalism  (4 Credits)  

Advanced instruction in the production of online multimedia content, including photography, audio, and video. Students will conduct research and interviews and produce media content relevant to a newsworthy topic. Requirements: Web-based camcorder, digital camera, and digital audio recorder.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-235 or JRN-230, and IHJRN-155 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
JRN-365  Photojournalism  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to the theories and practices of photojournalism, digital photo editing, and visual storytelling. The medium will be explored from historical, ethical, social and legal perspectives. Skills will be developed through weekly and in-class assignments, as well as through critique.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-155 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
JRN-382  Advanced Media Production  (4 Credits)  

Practicum in newsroom management, page design, story development, multimedia production, social media management, and broadcast production. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
JRN-386  Public Relations Principles  (4 Credits)  

An exploration of the theoretical and ethical applications in public relations. PR is production and distribution of information to produce a perception, in both corporate and non-profit arenas. PR work involves research and analysis to produce written, visual and video transmitted by print and broadcast media, online and social media.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-130  
Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
JRN-390  Multimedia: Features  (4 Credits)  

Researching, writing, and producing short- and long-form multimedia feature stories for publication in newspapers, magazines, websites, television and other media.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-230  
Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
JRN-391  Multimedia: Public Affairs  (4 Credits)  

Researching, writing, and producing short- and long-form multimedia feature stories for publication in newspapers, magazines, websites, television and other media.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-230  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-435  Community Television News  (4 Credits)  

A performance course in television news, with special attention to developing a regularly cablecast community television newscast for the Keene area. Introduction to formatting the news and presenting it under deadline. Lecture, practice and field work.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-235  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
JRN-486  Public Relations Practice  (4 Credits)  

Hands-on practice in PR strategies and tactics, including communication goal-setting, audience research, and message and campaign creation. Some lecture/discussion, with individual student participation as an important component.

Prerequisite(s): IHJRN-155 and JRN-386  
Offered: Spring, Even Years  
JRN-490  Advanced Multimedia Topics  (4 Credits)  

Study and practice in multimedia news gathering, reporting, and content creation. Topics include AI assisted reporting; audio/podcasting; broadcast/live streaming; digital photography/imagery; and social media/web-based content creation.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-130 and JRN-155  
Offered: Occasionally, Every Year  
JRN-493  Journalism Internship  (2-12 Credits)  

Supervised, contracted internship arranged by the student with approved publication, or, in certain cases, with campus offices, either for a semester's work or summer employment. Contract must be approved by the Journalism faculty. Responsible faculty supervision and review are required. Only four credits may be counted toward elective major credit.

Prerequisite(s): JRN-230 & Permission of Instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
JRN-495  Multimedia: Capstone  (4 Credits)  

Journalism majors will produce a high-level, long-form capstone project that represents the culmination of skills and knowledge acquired, bringing together various media including print, video, photography, graphics and social media to tell a local story of significance. Completed capstone projects must be pitched to local and/or regional media outlets.

JRN-498  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Under faculty supervision, the student develops and completes a program of research or development in a worthwhile aspect of journalism or mass communications. May be repeated to a total of 6 credits. Only four credits may be counted toward elective credits for the major.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year