Academic Catalog

Keene State College (KSC)

KSC-100  KSC Articulated Credit  (1-8 Credits)  
KSC-101  Becoming a Learner  (1 Credit)  

Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve - The motto of Keene State College. This course sets the stage for the development and refinement of the critical thinking skills necessary to excel in higher education and the global community. Through investigation and inquiry, students will develop skills applicable across academic disciplines.

KSC-102  Higher Education and You  (2 Credits)  

This course examines the construct of the educational system and the ways in which various aspects of students identity influences their college experience. Students gain knowledge of the structure and expectations of college, and practice critical thinking skills to analyze, evaluate, and implement plans for academic success.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor  
KSC-110  Explore Your Major At KSC  (1 Credit)  

Through a variety of experiences students will gain a better understanding of themselves and knowledge of the majors offered at Keene State College. The goal of this course is to have students actively exploring majors and deciding on a potential major.

KSC-120  Deconstruction the Academy  (2 Credits)  

Designed to help students, especially students from diverse backgrounds, with the transition from high school to college. Students learn about and analyze the structure of higher education. They will be examine their identity while developing the skills, establishing support systems and learning about the rights and responsibilities a college student.

KSC-270  Learning Assistant  (1-4 Credits)  

Under faculty supervision, learning assistants develop and practice instruction and interaction skills for working effectively with students in a specific discipline. Supplemental instructors and undergraduate teaching assistants are examples. May be repeated up to 8 credits.

Offered: All, Every Year  
KSC-280  Study Away  (1-12 Credits)  

Semester study away placeholder. Designates that a KSC student is enrolled in a fulltime (12 credit equivalent) KSC - approved study away experience (domestic or international). This is designed to facilitate registration, enrollment verification, billing, financial aid, etc. It will be replaced in the students academic record by the relevant transfer courses and credits, and will not appear on the students official academic record (e.g., academic transcript). Study Away fee.

Prerequisite(s): Permission required  
Offered: All, Every Year  
KSC-600  Continuous Registraton  (0-4 Credits)  

Graduate students must be continuously registered. KSC-600 is appropriate for students who have completed all program requirements except for making up grades of Incomplete, fulfilling final hours of an internship or submitting the final version or elements of a research project, thesis or capstone.

KSC-690  Graduate Special Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Study of selected topics in academic disciplines based on the needs and interests of the student. Intended for professionals seeking continuing study, and middle school and high school educators seeking advanced study in content areas. May be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
KSC-699  Experimental  (0-4 Credits)