Nursing (NURS)
This course explicates the values and philosophy of the Nursing Program and helps students develop an understanding of issues confronting the profession. Emphasis is on developing a historic perspective, exploring trends and policy issues, and identifying socio-cultural forces that affect the quality, nature and delivery of quality nursing care.
Reading/writing or in-depth exploration of a selected area of nursing with a faculty member. May be repeated.
This course introduces students to the theoretical foundations of practice and begins to establish the knowledge, attitudes and skills required in the field. The course will emphasize the need for nurses to recognize and respond to patient values and needs with respect and compassion in a coordinated health care environment.
This introductory nursing pharmacology course focuses on developmentally relevant pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics. These processes include drug therapy which is essential to prevent adverse drug interactions and patient harm. This course explores basic physiological mechanisms underlying illness and disease, and the positive outcomes associated with health promotion and disease prevention.
Pre-licensure nursing students are introduced to the holistic care of clients, beginning clinical decision-making and therapeutic nursing interventions as the foundation of nursing practice. Nursing process, assessment, documentation, therapeutic communication skills, aseptic technique and medication administration and other fundamental nursing skills are included.Graded Pass/Fail.
This course focuses on concepts of pathophysiology essential to understanding alterations in body systems at a cellular and organ system level. The fundamental principles of nursing will be integrated to support clinical decision making for health promotion, risk reduction, and disease management.
This clinical course provides opportunities to apply knowledge and skills when caring for clients in medical-surgical, psychiatric, and community settings. Clinical experiences promote evidence-based decision-making, development of therapeutic communication, and facilitate positive patient outcomes, while reducing error. Graded Pass/Fail.
This course addresses restorative care for adults in medical and surgical care settings. Topics include pathophysiology of disease, therapeutic nursing interventions for acute and chronic manifestations of diseases in major organ systems.
The course prepares students to identify researchable clinical problems in healthcare settings, understand the research process, compare and contrast the processes of EBP and QL. Students develop skills to critically analyze research studies and apply research outcomes. Research studies are critically analyzed with regard to their implications for clinical practice.
This course prepares students to calculate dosage and solutions for beginning nursing practice. Students will learn how to make conversions between measurement systems, calculate drug and fluid dosages, and understand drug calculations for specialty areas.
Examine models of health in wellness promotion and illness prevention across the lifespan. Emphasis on the individual in context of family and environment. Focus on appraisal of risk and assessment skills for diverse groups in the Simulation Lab.
This course focuses on understanding pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic processes following drug therapy. Concepts are essential to prevent drug interactions and patient harm. Pharmacology II will explore processes and integrate physiological mechanisms, underlying illness and disease, and the positive outcomes associated with health promotion and disease prevention.
Students develop the knowledge necessary to identify, apply, and evaluate current evidence to support clinical expertise. Decision-making skills that demonstrate compassionate awareness of patient and family preferences, experience, and values will be developed. Therapeutic interventions for acute, chronic, and mental health alterations are presented.
This clinical course scaffolds from NURS 307. Students apply nursing knowledge and skills in pediatric, maternal newborn, and medical surgical facilities and in the simulation lab to provide safe and effective care utilizing effective communication, appropriate use of technology, and therapeutic communication. Graded Pass/Fail.
This course introduces leadership roles and management functions of professional registered nurses within the structure of an organization. The management process provides structure for exploring organization, management, and behavioral theories. Accountability for quality assurance and legal authority for nursing practice, the impact of political and legislative processes, and ethical issues in management are also discussed.
The course reinforces the principles of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the application of statistical analysis of data, the utilization of information systems for accessing, storing and analyzing data, as well as the application of theoretical constructs to frame clinical questions and/or a research proposal.
This clinical immersion course fosters transition from student nurse to practicing professional nurse. Students participate in the interdisciplinary provision of quality health care. Students will participate in management within health care organizations and test quality control methods which promote the application of research in nursing practice.
Students develop the knowledge necessary to identify, evaluate and apply the best current evidence in developing clinical expertise, while considering adults' and families' preferences, experiences, and values to make practice decisions. Therapeutic interventions pertaining to the care of the client experiencing illness and health deficiencies will be presented.
Provides students with the opportunity to review their mastery of nursing content, compute CAT test-taking skills and strategies, and the psychomotor aspects of high stakes testing in preparation for the NCLEX-RN.
The course incorporates case scenarios and patient simulation that actively engage students in critical-thinking and clinical decision-making. Students explore physiological and psychological principles of complex illnesses building upon knowledge from previous nursing courses. Focus is on collaborating with other healthcare professionals, managing patient care and quality improvement. Corequisites NURS-404, NURS-406.
Critical thinking and the nursing process are used to provide therapeutic nursing interventions to care for the childbearing family while maintaining health and promoting wellness. Focus is on advanced assessment techniques and nursing skills, caring for the childbearing family, clients in schools, and the pediatric population.
Reading/writing or research in a slected area of nursing with a faculty member. May be repeated.