Academic Catalog

Philosophy (PHIL)

IHPHIL-100  Logical Argumentation  (4 Credits)  

The art of correct reasoning, advanced by studying forms of argument. Emphasizes deductive arguments, both categorical and sentential, and informal fallacies.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IHPHIL-220  Ethics  (4 Credits)  

Are abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment morally acceptable? This course will examine the most influential philosophical approaches to resolving ethical questions such as these. We will apply philosophical theories and principles to a variety of moral dilemas, with the aim of developing the skills necessary to successfully analyze ethical arguments.

Offered: All, Every Year  
PHIL-231  Comparative Religion  (4 Credits)  

A philosophical introduction to many of the worlds religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Taoism Investigates the differing aspects of human religious experience and examines the similarities and differences both between religions and among the denominations within them.

PHIL-280  Knowledge and Reality  (4 Credits)  

How do you know youre not dreaming? What is knowledge, and what kinds of knowledge can we have? What makes you the same person you were yesterday? Do people have a free will? We will examine philosophical answers to these questions as we explore central issues in metaphysics and epistemology.

PHIL-290  Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Examines a selected topic, or the works of one or two major thinkers, at an intermediate level. May be repeated as topics change.

PHIL-298  Independent Study  (2-8 Credits)  

An opportunity for a qualified student to explore work in an area of individual interest, selected and pursued in consultation with a faculty member. Consent required of the instructor who will supervise the independent study. Repeatable to a total of 8 credits.

PHIL-313  Philosophy and the Holocaust  (4 Credits)  

This course examines ethical, philosophical, and theological issues relating to the experience of the Holocaust and the broader human concerns of evil and suffering. Topics include the uniqueness and universality of the Holocaust as well as questions of justice. Cross-listed as: HGS-313.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PHIL-360  Philosophy of Law  (4 Credits)  

Examines questions in the area of the philosophy of law including discussions of the appropriate roles of liberty, justice, and responsibility in a society that reconciles a respect for the individual with the need for legitimate governmental authority.

PHIL-370  Philosophy of Language  (4 Credits)  

What gives words meaning? How do pointing and other contextual factors influence interpretation? What role do intentions play? How do Superman and Santa Claus differ from the names of real people? We will explore questions such as these from a philosophical perspective, through readings by Russell, Kripke, Putnam, and others.

Prerequisite(s): IHPHIL-100  
PHIL-380  Why Not Anarchy?  (4 Credits)  

Liberal political theory begins with the assumption that our government is immensely powerful. It can tax us, execute us, or draft us into wars. This course examines whether or not such power is ever acceptable in a democratic society. Is democracy really the best form of government? Why not anarchy?

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PHIL-406  Existentialism and Film  (4 Credits)  

The success of many films derives not only from their entertaining qualities but also from existential themes. Philosophical perspectives are applied to the films of directors such as Woody Allen and Alfred Hitchcock.

PHIL-490  Advanced Special Topics  (4 Credits)  

Examines a selected topic, or the works of one or two major thinkers at an advanced level. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): One course in Philosophy or permission of instructor  
PHIL-498  Independent Study  (2-8 Credits)  

Independent reading and study in a selected area of philosophy, conducted on a tutorial basis. Students must obtain approval of the supervising faculty member before registering. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.