Academic Catalog

Political Science (POSC)

ISPOSC-210  United States Politics  (4 Credits)  

Survey of United States politics at the federal level. Emphasis on the context and development of the Constitution and the evolution of political institutions, such as Congress, the Presidency, and the courts. Other topics include political economy, media, public opinion, parties, elections, interest groups, and social movements.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISPOSC-211  State and Local Politics  (4 Credits)  

Topics include federalism; institutions and jurisdictional responsibilities of governance at the municipal, county, and state level; participatory potential and policy importance of politics at the subnational level.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISPOSC-220  International Relations  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to the modern international political system with emphasis on the key institutions and issues that affect the interactions of the state and non-state actors in the contemporary global community.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISPOSC-240  Comparative Politics  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to comparative political systems. Course covers the context and evolution of political traditions, institutions, and behavior. Includes discussion of concepts like states, nationalism, political ideologies, democracy and authoritarianism, and political violence, as well as key political institutions around the world such as elections, executives, and legislatures.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
ISPOSC-317  The US Presidency  (4 Credits)  

This course examines the modern American presidency. It provides a broad introduction to the executive branch and covers a range of topics, including campaigns and elections, rhetoric and speechmaking, and foreign and domestic policymaking. A key theme concerns the nature and paradoxes of presidential power.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
ISPOSC-318  Law and Policy  (4 Credits)  

This course examines how laws are drafted, debated, passed, interpreted, and revised. Emphasis will be on legislation and the lawmaking process but alternative routes to policy action and change will be discussed. Government and private actors and their incentives and behaviors will be examined.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and a QL course  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISPOSC-330  Modern Political Thought  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to the political philosophies that have framed political action and governance in modern societies over the past several centuries. Emphasis on variants of individual-centered liberalism and community-focused collectivism prominent over this time period. Students compare these with older and/or alternative contemporary models of human nature and political organization.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and a QL course  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
POSC-250  Political Writing & Research  (4 Credits)  

Emphasizes the background work and writing tasks that are intrinsic to scholarly political argument and analysis. Via close examination of exemplary political writing students will learn the parts and related tasks in researched and revised analytical study related to politics.

Prerequisite(s): One course in Politics at the 200 level or higher  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
POSC-290  Special Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Study of a selested topic in Political Science. May be repeated as topic changes.

POSC-294  Cooperative Education  (1-4 Credits)  

Introductory work learning experience related to career interests, for which compensation may be received. Positions arranged by students with sponsorship, approval and evaluation by full time faculty. Elective credit only, normally 120 hours/credit, to maximum 12 credits per degree program. Graded Pass/Fail.

Prerequisite(s): 24 total credits earned, 2.0 cumulative GPA, and permission of instructor  
POSC-298  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Individualized study of an issue, or topic, selected and pursued in consultation with a faculty member. May be repeated.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
POSC-310  Political Participation  (4 Credits)  

An examination of American elections and voting, assessing the quality of modern democracy. Polling and prediction, historic turnout and choice patterns among population groups, political information, campaign tactics and money. Also discussion of sufficiency of voting to functional democracy.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-210 is strongly recommended but not required  
Offered: Fall, Even Years  
POSC-316  Constitutional Law  (4 Credits)  

The Constitution as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court, nature and origins of judicial review, battles over strict and loose construction and judicial activism, recent cases in political and civil rights, economic regulation, and distribution and scope of government powers.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-210, or ISPOSC-220, or CJS-240 with a minimum grade of B, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
POSC-321  US Foreign Policy  (4 Credits)  

Analysis of foreign policy formation in the United States as it interacts with the international system. Includes historical development of US foreign policy, as well as contemporary policies and problems.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-210, or ISPOSC-220, or ISPOSC-240, or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
POSC-324  International Law  (4 Credits)  

This course is a comprehensive examination of international law and its role in international politics. Topics include: the sources and subjects of international law, the jurisdiction of states, the use of force, treaties, human rights law, international criminal law, laws of citizenship and nationality, among others.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-220 is recommended but not required  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
POSC-325  Ethics and War  (4 Credits)  

This course is a comprehensive examination of the role of ethics in the realm of war. Topics include: aggression, noncombatant immunity, guerilla war, terrorism, torture, and nuclear deterrence.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-220 is recommended but not required  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
POSC-390  Special Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Study of a selected topic in Political Science. May be repeated as topic changes.

POSC-410  Advanced Topics in US Politics  (4 Credits)  

An in-depth analysis of an issue in contemporary American politics. The course will involve seminar-style group discussion of relevant books, an individual research project, and a presentation of research findings. Specific topics vary from year to year.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-210, ISPOSC-220, ISPOSC-240 or ISPOSC-330; or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Even Years  
POSC-420  Advanced Topics in Global Politics  (4 Credits)  

An in-depth analysis of an issue in contemporary international politics. The course will involve seminar-style group discussion of relevant books, an individual research project, and a presentation of research findings. Specific topics vary from year to year.

Prerequisite(s): ISPOSC-210, ISPOSC-220, ISPOSC-240 or ISPOSC-330 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
POSC-497  Internship  (1-4 Credits)  

Application of a political science background to the practical affairs and activities of a political organization or institution as a participant observer. May be repeated for a total of 8 credits.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 12 credits in political science, 2.5 cumulative GPA in major, and permission of instructor  
POSC-498  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Intensive study of an issue, problem, or topic. May be repeated.

Prerequisite(s): A minimum of 12 credits in political science at the 200 level of higher, and permission of instructor