Academic Catalog

Psychology (PSYC)

IIPSYC-172  An Introduction to Restorative Practice  (4 Credits)  

This course examines Restorative Justice theory and practice. Restorative Justice is a broad-based set of interdisciplinary theories and practices. Students will study the indigenous foundations of Restorative Justice and will integrate this knowledge with the interdisciplinary perspectives that operationalize how Restorative Justice work is accomplished worldwide.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
ISPSYC-100  Topics in Psychology  (4 Credits)  

An exploration of topical psychological issues for non-majors. Topics vary in sub areas of psychology such as biological, social, cognitive, developmental, and clinical psychology. May be repeated for credit as topics change.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISPSYC-101  General Psychology  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to the major topics involved in understanding the behavior of humans and animals. Topics include perception, cognition, social behavior, and psychopathology.

Offered: All, Every Year  
ISPSYC-312  Lifespan Psychology  (4 Credits)  

This course investigates the major psychological theories of lifespan development and provides a multifaceted introduction to the dynamics of intrapsychic development that occurs across the human lifespan. Major developmental milestones, effects of diversity and multiculturalism, socioeconomic status, family constellation, and socio-cultural variables are essential components of analysis.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-211  Child & Adolescent Psychology  (4 Credits)  

The study of child and adolescent Psychology focusing on current research in cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101 or PSYC-101  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-221  Social Psychology  (4 Credits)  

Human thought, feeling, and behavior in the social environment. Topics include the perception of people and social situations, aggression and altruism, competition and cooperation, love and friendship, communication and persuasion, attitudes and attitude change, social influence, and group dynamics.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101 or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-242  Personality  (4 Credits)  

Systematic study of the major theories and scientific assumptions endemic to the development, structure, and functions of human personality. Exploration of the methodological and research dimensions of this inquiry will be a central component of this course. Consideration of the roles of muticulturalism in theory development will also be examined.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101 or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-251  Psychological Statistics  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics used in pyschological research. Topics include measures of central tendency, variability, and correlation, as well as probability, sampling, hypothesis testing, including analysis of variance.

Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-252  Research Methods in Psychology  (4 Credits)  

Methodologies of psychological research will be explored. Students will learn to conduct, evaluate and interpret experiments within various sub areas of psychology.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-251  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-253  Brain and Behavior  (4 Credits)  

This course examines how the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as the endocrine system relate to human and animal behavior.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101, one BIO course recommended, or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-257  Cognitive Processes  (4 Credits)  

An investigation of the continuum of cognitive activities from perception to memory and thought processes. Traditional, neo-behaviorist, information processing, and computer model approaches to understanding cognition are considered.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-290  Psychology Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Exploration and analysis of elementary topics in psychology.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
PSYC-298  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

An opportunity for a qualified student to explore work in an area of individual interest, selected and pursued in consultation with a faculty member. May be repeated.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-314  Adulthood and Aging  (4 Credits)  

A psychological analysis of human development from post-adolescence to death. Topics include sexuality self image, family and work releationships, independence, power, developmental experiences, multicultural issues, emotional and physical health, and aging.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101 or permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-321  Culture and Psychology  (4 Credits)  

The study of issues at the intersection of culture and psychology. Topics may include the learning of culture, the impact of culture on behavior, conflict and cooperation across cultural boundaries, and social processes in multicultural communities.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-340  Psychological Testing  (4 Credits)  

Introductory theory and practice of psychological assessment. Examination of varied approaches to assessment and experiences with select test types.

Prerequisite(s): ISPSYC-101, PSYC-251 or MATH-141, and Junior Standing; or permission of the instructor  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-345  Abnormal Psychology  (4 Credits)  

An introduction to the systematic study of theories of etiology, signs, and treatment of psychopathology with an emphasis on prevention, and the social and cultural forces that influence views of abnormality.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-242 and Junior Standing or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-355  Psychology of Learning  (4 Credits)  

Analysis of contemporary theories and research on learning. Integration of behavioral, cognitive, and ecological perspectives.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-253 or PSYC-257  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-396  Junior Honors Seminar  (1 Credit)  

Research seminar for participants attempting to gain entrance in to the Psychology Honors Program. 1-credit. Graded Pass/Fail. Must pass to qualify for psychology honors.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-425  Psychology of Women  (4 Credits)  

Exploration of current and historical understandings of the psychology of women. Includes psychoanalytic, biological, and social explanations of womens psychology and development and critical examination of research on gender differences and similarities.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-221 and ITW-101  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-444  Counseling  (4 Credits)  

Exposes students to counseling techniques and corresponding theoretical frameworks to cultural, ethical, and psychological issues that are confronted by counselors, and to an examination of students interests and aptitudes as they relate to the counseling profession.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-242, PSYC-345 and Junior Standing or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-447  Clinical Psychology  (4 Credits)  

Introduction to the spectrum of sub disciplines within clinical psychology. Topics include clinical theory and research, assessment procedures, ethical decision making, and risk assessment.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-345 and Junior Standing or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-453  Sensation and Perception  (4 Credits)  

An examination of contemporary theories and research on how the brain makes sense of all the sensory inputs it receives to produce the rich perceptual world we experience.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-252 and PSYC-253  
Offered: Spring, Odd Years  
PSYC-457  Cognitive Neuroscience  (4 Credits)  

Cognitive neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that explores the relationship between the mind and the brain. This course focuses on brain mechanisms for sensation and perception, attention, memory, emotion, language, and even consciousness. Mind-brain relationships are considered in the context of cognitive theories, evolutionary comparisons, and human development.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-253 or PSYC-257  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-470  Practicum  (1-8 Credits)  

Field experience focused on the ethical application of psychological theory and data in an organization or service setting under faculty and agency supervision. The readings, work assignments supervisory sessions and written product are determined by the student, the faculty, and the agency prior to the practicum. May be repeated to a total of 8 credits.

Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing and permission of insructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-475  Human Psychophysiology  (4 Credits)  

Human Psychophysiology is concerned with physiological responses as reflections of psychological traits, states, and processes. Students will study the form and function of major physiological response systems and gain laboratory experience in the recording, analysis, and interpretation of physiological data from the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-252 AND PSYC-253 or PSYC-257 or PSYC-453 or PSYC-457  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-476  Developmental Psych. Capstone  (4 Credits)  

Capstone experience that refines basic skills and concepts through an exploration of themes specific to developmental psychology. Course work emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis with previous research, Students will conduct research projects; active participation is essential.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-477  Social Psych. Capstone  (4 Credits)  

Capstone experience that refines basic skills and concepts through an exploration of themes specific to social psychology. Course work emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis with previous research, Students will conduct research projects; active participation is essential.

Offered: Fall, Every Year  
PSYC-478  Clinical Psych. Capstone  (4 Credits)  

Capstone experience that refines basic skills and concepts through an exploration of themes specific to clinical psychology. Course work emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis with previous research, Students will conduct research projects; active participation is essential.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-479  Experimental Psych. Capstone  (4 Credits)  

Capstone experience that refines basic skills and concepts through an exploration of themes specific to experimental psychology. Course work emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis with previous research, Students will conduct research projects; active participation is essential.

Offered: Spring, Every Year  
PSYC-480  Advanced Psychological Methods  (4 Credits)  

A research experience that builds on the basic skills and concepts learned in PSYC252 through the development of experiments to test specific theories in psychology. Course work emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and synthesis with previous research, Students will conduct research projects; active participation is essential. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC-251 and PSYC-252  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-490  Advanced Special Topics  (1-4 Credits)  

Exploration and analysis of advanced topics in Psychology.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
PSYC-495  Seminar  (4 Credits)  

Capstone experience that refines basic skills and concepts through an exploration of specific themes in psychological literature. Course work emphasizes analysis, synthesis, organization and oral communication. Students lead classroom discussions; active participation is essential. May be repeated as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): Senior Psychology Major or permission of instructor  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-496  Honors Seminar  (1 Credit)  

Research seminar for participants in the Psychology Honors Program. Graded Pass/Fail. Must be repeated to qualify for psychology honors.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to Psychology Honors Program  
Offered: All, Every Year  
PSYC-498  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Individual study or research in selected topics in Psychology under direction of a faculty member. May be repeated.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor  
PSYC-499  Honors Research  (3 Credits)  

Independent topical research for participants in the Psychology Honors Program. Graded Pass/Fail. Must be repeated to qualify for Psychology Honors.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to Psychology Honors Program  
Offered: All, Every Year