Academic Catalog

Women's & Gender Studies (WGS)

IIWGS-101  Introduction to Womens & Gender Studies  (4 Credits)  

This course is designed to introduce students to the key issues, questions, and debates in the interdisciplinary field of Womens and Gender Studies. Central to the course will be a focus on the social construction of identity and the myriad ways in which gender, race, class, sexuality and nationality work to constitute peoples experiences.

Offered: All, Every Year  
IIWGS-210  Reproductive Justice  (4 Credits)  

An interdisciplinary examination of reproductive justice in the U.S. and other countries. Drawing on concepts from critical race theory, critical legal theory, and feminist theory, among others, students will explore the history informing ideas about reproduction, including eugenics, abortion debates, inequality in access to reproductive services, and similar topics.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
IIWGS-240  Race Gender Sexuality and Pop Culture  (4 Credits)  

We take an interdisciplinary approach to studying representations of race and ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and other social identities in popular culture. Using literature from cultural studies, queer studies, ethnic studies, communication, sociology, and other disciplines, we explore dominant ideologies and how they are perpetuated (or not) in media products.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
Offered: Fall, Every Year  
IIWGS-290  Topics in Womens and Gender Studies  (4 Credits)  

Interdisciplinary study of a specific issue or topic within the field of Womens and Gender Studies. Students will develop skills in critical reading and critical thinking. May be repeated for credit as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): ITW-101  
IIWGS-300  Critical Ethnic Studies  (4 Credits)  

This interdisciplinary course explores the experiences of women of color using feminist scholarship from literature, sociology, history, and womens studies. Analyzes the history of social movements that have influenced the construction of the category women of color and articulates a critique of the category of whiteness.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
IIWGS-340  Transnational Sexualities  (4 Credits)  

Consider how globalization and national borders impact ideas about sexuality. Think through how national and transnational identities are built around sexuality. This interdisciplinary course will draw from fields including cultural studies, international studies, and feminist theory. Topics covered may include immigration, colonialism, war, and tourism.

Prerequisite(s): 24 credits in ISP, including ITW-101 and QL  
Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
WGS-298  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

An opportunity for a qualified student to develop and complete an innovative project under the supervision of a Womens and Gender Studies faculty member on a topic not currently offered. Proposals must be submitted to the Womens and Gender Studies Department by the student for review before the start of the course.

WGS-302  Queer Theories  (4 Credits)  

Queer studies provide a range of theoretical approaches that challenge fixed, essentialist identities, drawing attention to incoherencies in the allegedly stable sex/gender system. Placing a variety of queer theories in their historical context, this interdisciplinary course will provide a survey of contemporary arguments and critical terms used in the field.

Prerequisite(s): Take IIWGS-101  
Offered: Spring, Every Year  
WGS-303  Latina Feminist Theories  (4 Credits)  

This class is an interdisciplinary examination of Latina feminist theories, drawing from history, epistemology, third world feminisms, creative nonfiction literature, and art performances. The course is organized around the following issues: colonization, immigration, globalization, critical race theory, sexism and Latina image representation.

Prerequisite(s): IIWGS-101  
WGS-490  Advanced Topics in Womens & Gender Stds  (4 Credits)  

Advanced interdisciplinary study of theoretical perspectives within Womens and Gender Studies. Students will develop skills in critical reading and critical thinking. May be repeated for credit as topics change.

Prerequisite(s): 300 level WGS course or permission of instructor  
WGS-497  Internship  (2-4 Credits)  

An opportunity for qualified students to work on a practicum internship course that must address issues of gender, LGBTQ+, race/ethnicity, among others under supervision of a Womens Studies faculty.

Prerequisite(s): One WGS Theory course (WGS-301, WGS-302, WGS-303, or WGS-304) and permission of instructor  
Offered: Fall, Odd Years  
WGS-498  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  

Independent reading and writing on an approved topic under direction of a Womens and Gender Studies faculty member.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor